a fluro image with background of a purple - yellow gradient. There is an image of a love heart in a notification in the foreground

3 Simple Steps to Increase Visibility on Instagram.

2.4 billion is a pretty big number. This is the number of accounts that are currently on Instagram & 200 million is the number of times brands get searched daily. It’s no surprise that as an Author with a personal brand, you need something to help you stand out from those 2.4 billion accounts. 

Optimising your profile is a quick, free and effective way to increase your page & content visibility. To improve profile and content visibility is to unlock a whole other side of the platform to new readers and opportunities that you didn’t know were available before. With social media being more commonly used as a search engine in 2024, being able to appear first when someone searches for your name or book is crucial.

3 easy steps is all it takes to optimise your profile. These steps are: 

1. Switch to a Professional Account

This change ensures Instagram sees you as a brand & immediately increases visibility as it’s trying to match your account with your audience type. By changing your account to a professional setting, you also open up the world of analytics, making it easier to define your social media strategy further. Being able to identify the audience demographics that follow you and the content they’re most receptive to, helps your decision making process with content. 

Follow the steps in the video below to change your account.

2. Updating your profile bio.

After selecting your profile as a professional account, include ‘Author’ or ‘Writer’ as the industry you are in. Also, include the most relevant link in the web link section of your bio, whether it is your website, book product page or event link. The link in your profile is an important CTA (call to action), whichever action you want your audience to take, have that as your profile link.

If you’re unsure of the best way to structure your bio. Use this standard bio template below: 

📚 Australian Author of [Latest Book Title]

✨ [Genre] Enthusiast

✍️ [Brief tagline or book theme]

🎙️ [Upcoming events or podcasts]

📖 [Link to latest work or website]

(Emojis optional)

3. Optimise your content.

Keep your captions engaging with conversation at the heart of your copy. Asking a simple question at the end or beginning of your caption with a CTA at the end can go a long way. With this, optimise the image, or reel by including ‘alt-text’ behind your content through the advanced settings feature when creating a post. This increases accessibility levels and allows all users to engage with your content. Please add this as well as your I.D. (image description). Whilst creating your I.D. and alt-text attributes, include as many relevant keywords as you can.

Once these actions have been completed, you’ll see a shift in your engagements, profile views & followers. For those who have already completed these actions, stay consistent by updating your profile every so often to keep it up to date & continue to add the alt-text & I.D. to every post. 

These 3 simple steps have an incredible impact for your personal brand on Instagram.


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